Lemons: Who Knew

Remember to wash it really well first… Many professionals in restaurants and eateries are using or consuming the entire lemon and nothing is wasted. How can you use the whole lemon without waste? Simple..place the lemon in the freezer section of your...

Lemons for Health

Lemon is widely grown all over the world. Lemon grows in abundance in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mexico and West Indies. Unripe lemons are green in color. When they are matured, the color is changed into yellow. Lemon is a must in the kitchen. It is a universally...

Is Massage a Luxury You Can’t Afford

Let’s consider this statement. For quite some time massage has been thought of as a luxury, for those with “disposable” income. What has changed to make this statement less true? Several things have: 1. The Rising Cost of Medical Care 2. Alternative...

From My Cousin Kennieth today . . . .

fall…. I rise…. I make mistakes…. I live…. I learn…. I’ve been hurt…. but I’m ALIVE…. I’m human…. I’m NOT perfect…. Game Plan: All I need to BE is THANKFUL!!! (everyone can relate to this...